Do You Need CAD Drafting or Survey Tech help ?

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Do You Need CAD Drafting or Survey Tech help ?

Post by CBarrett »

My husband has been a really good Survey Technician over last 3-4 years, mostly since Covid stated. I got to train him myself - in many Southern California Practices, especially on the mapping side of things.

He can draft Tracts, Parcel Maps, Records of Surveys, Corner Records, Legal Description Exhibits, ALTA's, Site Plans, Tentative maps and a sundry variety of exhibits that we always do. He can also do Research, Record Calcs, Check Closures, import points, connect the topo linework etc...
He will work "under your supervision" but, also I am an LS an tend to QC his work periodically while it is being done and before it goes out.

We're starting to get a full time business going for him. Please send me a private message here in case you are interested and need help.
(He still has his full time job for the time being and is unable to monitor this, so I am doing it - In case you were wondering why he isn't posting himself)

Many of you probably already know that I am gainfully employed as a project manager at Michael Baker International, so I am not looking to take on the work myself. Just assisting.
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